Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Trying to forgive myself for things not being perfect!

Hi there thanks for dropping by.

Today in the UK we have lovely sunshine, followed by very heavy hails stones and then gorgeous sunshine again, all in the space of 10 mins. It is the weirdest winter ever here, I have only worn a coat 4 times, so far!!!!! Fingers crossed that is. It is lovely to see the spring flowers in bloom again and although it hasn't been cold the weeks of heavy rain has got me down. So Spring is so welcome and with any luck maybe it will soon dry out the lawn, which in turn will stop my pet ducks digging it up!

My lovely daughter gave me this sign at the weekend, isn't it great! Is she dropping hints at the state of my garden I wonder!

Anyway onto some art. The title of this post is referring to the fact, that my writing is pants, big pants really and it rather messed up my piece here. But ho hum I am trying to forgive myself about it and just laugh! 
I needed a sign for the front door, as if I am in the back garden I often don't hear people knocking at the door.
I started with a wooden blank

Gave it a coat of DecoArt sealer and when dry I gave it a coat of various colours of Americana paints, trying to make it look a bit gardeny! Gave it a bit of a sanding then using of DecoArt crackle paste through stencil by Creative Expressions.

So far so good! Then it all went wrong!

I didn't have room for the writing and the writing was as I say PANTS! Still I carried on and grunged it up a bit with some wiping on and off of black paint!

I decided to try again on the other side and Lol, that turned out worse!

Still it will serve a purpose won't it!

Just wanted to finish with a couple of photos of a lovely weekend (a Christmas gift from my lovely kids and there partners) we had last weekend.

We went to a fab restaurant in London with puppets hanging form the ceiling!

Our son is the second on the left and hubby in the middle, the pretty blonde is my son's girlfriend Emma and the guy on the left is my daughters partner Ed.

And before you fall asleep, this is me and my lovely daughter Kara.

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